Sunday 26 April 2015

Exercise #10

A message that is not consistent:

To study reap many benefits, including higher grades and improve the level of outstanding, but they wasted a lot of time and neglect the responsibilities of life.

An argument that is not logically consistent:

Olympics are held every year, the Asian continent is the host always applicants to prove their talents by videos and to assess the levels of the piece.

Thursday 23 April 2015

Exercise #9

False premises:

The people who buy sports cars every year increase more and more, so that is mean in the far future all of them will have a sports cars.

Two wrongs:

Luxury cars are faster than the sports cars.
Toyota cars are more expensive than Mercedes cars.


- In UAE the drivers of bicycles they are more than the drivers of cars.
- The soft drinks are more healthier than the fresh juices.
- Samsung company are more expensive than apple company.
- The basketball is the most popular sport around the world.

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Exercise #8 False premises

First 6.13
Yes, the argument is good based on sound reason/ premises that lower oil production = higher petrol prices.

Second 6.14
No, false premises- standing in the rain does not load to a cold.

Third 6.15
No, false premises- the reason move to countryside is healthy but when all people who lived in cities moves to the countryside also will be pollution same as cities.

Fourth 6.16
No, false premises- the reason maybe a good menu but does not have a nice foods also the affect in location of the restaurant.

Fifth 6.18
No, false premises- the reason, because the rate increase and the population get wide every year, also still there are people who can't married depends on his habits.

Sixth 6.20
No, false premises- the reason maybe that are boring or bad programs, so does not mean the more channels = the better programs

Thursday 26 March 2015

Exercise #7

Apple laptops are better than the other laptops based on the software and ease of use

         Apple Company has made different laptops with good options and totally different operating system than other laptops like Toshiba, Dell, IBM, LG, Acer and another new companies for laptops just now coming in the market. In this argument I will talk about that the apple laptops are better in software and strong in protect your personal files.

         To begin with, Apple has made laptops with almost average prices (not expensive, not cheaper) comparing with other laptops. Firstly, MAC laptops were made with good materials than other laptops, which is aluminum metal, also the design of the laptop looks like its simply designed and all the Apple laptops has the same design but different sizes and names, it has a skinny profile, an easy way of carrying it around, the full-sized keyboard and screen and the slick Mac OS X Leopard operating system. Moreover, MAC laptops characterized in faster while using the Internet and easy to move from one tap (site) to another. Additionally, it is protected against viruses that are harmful for your files, better than other laptops and safer like, for example Windows software. Therefore, MAC laptops are completely different software and different programs. Besides Apple laptops have an operating system that helps to protect the laptop from anyone who wants to hack your files, which means Apple laptops are strong to be hacked. Furthermore, there are many shortcuts than other laptops that made it easy and fast to work with it.

           In conclusion, Apple laptops are better than other laptops as I said, it has completely different software and it is very fascinating to use as a software, also it is easy to work with. But maybe it will be harder and more confusing while using it for the first time.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Exercise #6

The following are the basic factors of an argument:
·       A position or a point of view
·      An attempt to persuade others to accept that point of view
·       Reasons given to support that point of view.
·      Conclusion

Read the following passage and identify the following:

Main argument:
  • Pregnant women and people with poor immunity can be affected by cats in the house.

Reasons that support the argument:
  • If you kept a cat in the house with a pregnant woman the unborn child inside her can be affected or damaged.
  • Even if they are born and they are drinking breast milk can be affect like losing their eyesight or their movement ability.


  • In conclusion there no chance of knowing if your cat is affecting you or it has a serious risk.

It is important that pregnant women and those with a pure immune systems become aware of the potential risks posed by cat. Many of us keep cats as house pets without realizing the dangers they may be harboring. Cats are hosts to infectious protozoa that cause disease in mammals such as humans. Adult humans rarely showed signs of significant disease if they become infected. However, if pregnant women become infected, the foetus can become infected by parasites and suffer serious congenital damage. In the worst cases, infants may lose their eyesight and acquire motor deficits. In people with poor immune systems or AIDS protozoa can cause seizure and death. The symptoms of the disease are not evident in cats so there is no way of knowing if a particular cat is at risk.